Town Cleaning

Real Estate Cleaning

Do you continually think about how you can differentiate yourself from the competition? Do you want to give your clients a unique housewarming gift that will keep you in their minds months after you’ve sold their home?  Buying your clients, a house cleaning gift from Town Cleaning can make you look like a real estate superstar and potentially help close some deals or build relationships that will lead to future referrals. Here are some other benefits:

Time Is Precious

Your clients are extremely busy people who probably have little time or might just not like cleaning. But moving into a freshly cleaned house will give your clients a sense of comfort and pride as soon as they enter their new purchase. A properly cleaned house will also increase the chances of a sale properly the price paid for the property. 


Pictures Are Worth A Thousand Words

A clean house can make good photos of the home look amazing. So, if you forgo a tremendous clean from a trusted cleaner, don’t be surprised to see pictures that come back with streaky laminate floors and dirty windows.

A Great Housewarming Gift

Sure, you can give a bottle of wine as most other realtors do. Or you can provide something that they may find more useful like a gift certificate for a future house cleaning from top rated cleaning services like ours. You’ll find that your clients will be telling their friends about the house cleaning gift they got from their “amazing real estate agent.”


Increase the Chances of A Sale

Have you ever come across beautiful homes that look immaculate on the outside but look disastrous on the inside? If you’re selling that person’s home, can you imagine telling them that their place needs a MAJOR cleaning?  So, what you can say instead is, “As a valued client of mine, I’m going to provide you with a great house cleaning on me.” You take a potentially sensitive situation and instead make yourself look like a hero, all with our cleaning services.

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The Perfect Institution Cleaning in Ontario

Contact Us for Real estate Cleaning in Ontario, Canada

Buying a house cleaning service for your client will benefit you in many ways, including helping you sell the home faster and at a higher price. It’s well known that a messy house decreases the number and value of offers. A tremendous clean with our cleaning services will add value to your service and is one way you can differentiate yourself from other agents.